The holidays are often accompanied by a variety of stressors
which aggravate unsettled feelings such as an increased use of alcohol by
ourselves or others, increased financial burdens, and family conflicts. Losses during the year or memories of prior
loss are felt more acutely during the holidays triggering a plethora of
emotions and lingering grief.
Symptoms of post-holiday blues include: disrupted sleep and
eating habits, headaches, negative thinking, feelings of guilt and regret,
irritability, or anger.
Continued from e-newsletter
Post-holiday Blues are considered more “mental distress”
than a mental disorder since it is episodic and usually lasts a short period of
weeks rather than a month or longer. It
is different from Seasonal Effective Disorder that usually lasts during the
winter months due to shorter days and lack of sunlight and different from
“Cabin Fever” that hits later in the winter months.

Hopefully, you will find the blues slipping away and
healthier and happier feelings replacing the negative.
If you find that the symptoms continue into February or
March, consider talking to your primary care physician about your
concerns. Short term counseling may also
help if there are issues you cannot resolve by yourself and need to discuss
with a professional. No matter what, speak up and advocate for yourself. Taking action is the key to feeling better
and chasing those blues away.
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