Wood County Senior Center, 305 North Main St., Bowling Green, OH
Trained & certified volunteer counselors will be available to prepare federal, state and school district income tax returns. The program is primarily intended for low and moderate income seniors. Since appointments are for one hour, complex returns (for example, numerous capital gain/loss transactions) cannot be handled and such cases should be handled by a professional tax preparer.) Confidentiality is required of all tax counselors and greeters. Please note that the tax payer is responsible for the accuracy of the return.
NOTE: At appointments bring the following:
· Social security card (s) and photo ID (s)
· All forms showing income
· A copy of your 2013 income tax return.
· Expense Records (medical, state and local taxes,
real estate taxes, mortgage interest contributions, etc.
are important especially if you itemize. NOTE:
especially large medical expenses may help for State
taxes even if you do not itemize deductions.
· If any assets were sold we need to know the cost
basis and date of purchase of the asset.
· Voided check if you want direct deposit of refunds
· You are required to arrive 20 minutes early to your appointment in order to fill out the required paperwork.
· You must have ALL documents listed above with you
on the day of your appointment. Farm income is
out-of-scope for this program and only fairly simple
business income can be handled. One restriction – we
cannot handle business income if expenses exceed $10,000.
For an appointment, call the Program Department at (419) 353-5661 or (800) 367-4935.
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