Friday, January 15, 2021

Tale Through the Mail: Northeast Area Senior Center Edition

 In August of 2020, we started a Collaborative Story Project! Eight different stories originated from our eight senior center locations. Participants were asked to do the following:  

1. Record your information on the contact sheet.

2. Add a sentence or two to the story on the blank pages provided. 

3. Mail or hand-deliver the story to a friend or family member! 

We asked that the stories be returned to WCCOA around October 31, 2020 to be published here. Check back here on January 22 when the Perrysburg Area Senior Center story will be published!

Northeast Area Senior Center Story

Contributing Authors: 
Jan Baker, Dana Kel, Shirley Kingsley, Brenda Oakley, Lois Sounders, 
Mary Wilkolek, and Paul Zam

The phone did not stop ringing all day...

I found out it was the tinnitus in my ear. Whew! Glad I didn't try and answer it... so I got that straightened out. 

I got calls about Medicare, electricity, computer service (I don't have a computer), lower interest on my credit card, debt forgiveness, I won 2.5 million dollars from a contest I never entered, etc. Went back to smoke signals! No more prank calls. 

Seeing the smoke signals, I jumped in my saddle and rode in the other direction, heading further west to the mountains and settled into a wooded area to rest. 

The Lone Ranger and Tonto came and got me. Hi-Yo Silver! We rode away. 

They took me to Walmart so I could get toilet paper and puppy food. I saw a bunch of people I haven't seen in months. 

It was a cold icy winter and my steps on my front porch were covered with ice. I didn't want anyone to slip on them and get hurt so I attempted to remove the ice by getting on my stomach and scraping the ice off. I slipped on each step and ended up in the hospital with a broken wrist and other damages. I only fell five more times since. I now am in my 90s and doing quite well. Thank God. Keep me in your prayers. 

And then the phone rang! It was an evangelist telling me he would pray for me. 

And it rang again. It seems that my car warranty has expired. So I gave my car to Kars for Kids. 

Now it seems that I have won a trip and need to be at the airport PDQ. Unfortunately I'm having trouble hitchhiking with a broken wrist. 

Oh wait... I think I see the Lone Ranger and Tonto. Hi-Yo Silver!! 

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