Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Thirsty Horse By: Bob McAfee

Chapter 5- Our Lives Are Shaped by What We Love

It has been three days since the twines have been born. The preparation for the Religious Rites of Dedications for the twines is in the final phase. With the two water basins, each containing three gallons of water are filled with warm water. Two special tables are set up and upon the two tables are laid out the following items: two finely decorated miniature loin clothes made of finely woven white cloth, two little under shirts made from the same material. The next items that are to follow are two outer garments made of small animal skin fashioned together with very fine and thinly cut leather fashioned from squirrel pelt. The next two items laid out are two pairs of moccasins which are overlaid with color beads and painted porcupine quills inner laced together to indicate whether this child is to be identified as a male or female. The last two items that is to be placed upon the children are the headbands made of fine buckskin, simple in design but are of equal importance in the symbolism.
                The time has come for the trumpet to be sounded. Morgan, the oldest of the elders of the people walks up the grassy mound at the center of the camp. He gracefully, dutifully, and with great pride lifts’ a ram’s horn to his lips. A long, deep, trumpet sound comes from the Ram’s Horn, followed by four shorter blasts which than is followed by another long blast. The trumpet sound reverberates throughout the forest.
                All the people, save John, Wanda, both of their parents, as well as the twines make their way to the foot of the grassy knob. Not one person believes that he or she is to neither take the most prominent place nor do anyone feels to be less than another is. Each person and family enters in. If by families, the elder of that family takes the lead. When there are young children in the family, they follow directly behind the elders with their parents behind them, just to make sure the children remain quiet by entertaining themselves with their toys.
                All six Ancient Ones rise to their feet when John and Wanda, caring the twines, enters into the Great Circle through the wide opening provided by the honor guards. Mid way up to the Holy Knob, John and Wanda handover the twines to their mothers to carry them up to the foot of the Holy Knob. It is there that the fathers receive the infants, to carry them up to the top of the Holy Knob and offer the babies to the Ancients Ones.   All of this symbolizes the unity of the families and their dedication to the rising of the children.
                Todd and Randle receive the twines from the grandfathers and lifting them high into the air. In their left hand the babies’ heads and shoulders are supported, and in their right hands tier backs and buttocks are supported. The Ancient Ones look upward into the sky and speaking in unison, as if of a single voice, say “Oh Great and Mighty Father, we thank you for such a great gift. You have given to us, and the gift that is found within these, your young children.”
                Todd and Randle slowly lowers the infants and turn them so that they could look directly into their faces, they once again speak, saying “you are the reason for our lives. Our lives, which are shaped in the way that they are. Because of our deep love for you, we vow to look after you. Thank you for coming.”
                Everyone looks astonished b these last words but each person writes down these words mentally “Thank you for coming,” as if to say babies do have a choice of becoming a part of the human race.
                Walking behind the tables, the two Ancient Ones take their place and gently lay the babies down on the blanket-covered tables. They then proceed to remove the infants’ garments. Speaking in gentle musical tones they begin to pronounce the words of dedication.
                “My child,” they begin as they start to lower the infants into the warm basins of water, saying “we wash you, to cleanse you from the struggle you had at your birth.
                The than lift the babies out of the water and as they start to dry them the Ancient Ones whisper “and we will always be here to dry your eyes in your distress and sorrow.”
                After placing the children onto the table with their heads pointing outward toward the people, they proclaim the following “let this loincloth protect you, shield you from spying eyes and groping hands, “they then place the loin clothes onto the babies. Lifting the undershirts up they say in unison “let this undergarment be your protection from a broken heart, and girdle against withering attacks against your spirit and soul,” with these words spoken, the undershirts are slipped on.         
                Todd and Randle than lift up the outer garment and pronounce “with this blouse, may your whole being be protected from the ravages of life,” upon which the blouses are gentle pulled down onto the children. Lifting the moccasins the declaration is made “let this footwear keep your feet pm the straight path, to walk to those who know the way of a good life and to protect your feet from harm and hurt,” they are than placed onto the infants’ feet.
                Finally the headbands are placed on the head and tied with the following words, “let this headdress be a protection for your mind and a helmet of salvation. When it is time to become a member of the greater family here on earth and above may this headdress remind you from where you have come, you have come from the Great Father. Amen.”
                As the dedication come close to its conclusion Todd and Randle steps aside and the Elder Guy and Elder Morgan, the one with the Ram’s Horn, ascends to the top of the Holy Knob. With gentleness the two men lifts the infants up, cradling them in their strong arms, they look out over the great congregation with broad smiles. They then look up into the heavens. Elder Guy, speaking in a strong, firm voice he says “thank you Lord for these children and helps us to raise them for your purpose and your delight.” Looking out unto the people he declares to all “I charge you with this undertaking, to help raise these children as your own.”  Than to the parents and grandparents Elder Morgan commands “let these children be corrected when correction is needed, and pampered when pampering is to be done. Do not over look their needs, nor forget that they are of you and yours. These are your brothers and sisters,” Elder Morgan continues, as he looks out over the people, “they will be help guidance for you when it is needed. We will do our part to help you all the way. May the Great Father bless us all. Amen.”
                Elder Guy introduces the babies to the great congregation, “let me introduce to you Joshua Randle and Anna Marie.”
                John and Wanda retrieve their children from Elder Guy, and Elder Morgan, retrace their steps down the Holy Knob to be met by both families and the congregation.            
                There is much to think upon, there is much to talk about. There will be many a long nights ahead and more than enough time to enjoy the children as they grow and mature ever learning but always but always striving to be the best that they could be.
The End

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