Hello, I’m Here. You’re There
By: Rosemary
Hello, I’m here. You’re there.
I’m talking to you even though you seem so far away.
I’m sending my thoughts
And hoping you hear them.
Hello, I’m here. You’re there.
I miss our time together,
Our talks, our laughs, our sharing.
I’m holding on, moving forward,
But I miss having you beside me, around me.
Hello, I’m here. You’re there.
It’s difficult to enjoy
the creative pursuits when you’re
not here to discuss the outcomes
and see the results.
Hello, I’m here. You’re there.
You were my support and motivation to accomplish.
Now I am by myself,
And the excitement to create must be there with you.
It’s harder to find it here with me.
Hello, I’m here. You’re there.
My tears touch my heart.
My heart touches my mind;
My mind touches my spirit;
My spirit calls for you.
Hello, I’m here. You’re there.
(2013 Poetry Contest, 1st Place, Wood County)